

Thank you for visiting my blog. Please leave a message to say hello. If you are here because you or someone close to you has lost a child, you have my sympathy.

Thursday, 10 February 2011


My son was stillborn in June 2010 at 36 weeks and I thought sharing in this way might help.  I hope I can help someone else on the way.

Sandra's Poem
In the pain of giving birth
I watched you come into this world
With awe and wonder in my heart
Then I held you in my arms and cried.
In the pain and fear of impending death
I watched you go out of this world
With shock and disbelief in my heart
Then I held you in my arms and cried.
In the pain and fear of bereavement
I've searched for you in this world
With anguish and grief in my heart
Then I held the memory of you in my arms
And cried . . . and cried.
In Memory of Jason

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