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Thursday, 17 February 2011

So what happened

To be honest, no body knows.  It's likely to have been a complication of Obstetric Cholestasis, a liver disease brought on by pregnancy, which can be a cause of stillbirth.

I had an uncomplicated pregnancy until half way through my 35th week.  At a regular antenatal class at the hospital I asked a midwife if I could take or use anti-histamine as I has a bad itch on my arms and legs.  She whisked me up to the labour ward where I had a blood test that confirmed I had OC.  I was told that I should start on medication as soon as possible and that it was likely that my baby would be induced at 37 weeks as there were risks of stillbirth at full term.

I got a steroid injection to help mature his lungs and was sent home to come back about lunch time the next day to pick up my medication and get the second injection.  It was about 4.30 in the morning by this time.

So we went in to get the injection and from there went to get the meds.  We were told to return the next day to collect them as they had to be ordered in.  We sat in the labour ward for 3 hours waiting to talk to someone to see if there was alternative medication or if an extra day would be a big deal or not.  We were told not, so I returned the next day and was again told that they didn't have any in stock and that they would call me when it came in.


1 comment:

  1. Wow there is a mom in my support group who lost her daughter Monica to the same thing. They did not find it until after she was stillborn. So rare a thing. Thinking of you and sending love~
