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Monday, 2 May 2011

Babylost Mother's Day

I've managed to miss this by two hours, but it's still Sunday somewhere in the world and I just found out that it existed.  

Thank you Carly Marie for starting it.  I think it's a great idea.  Anything to help make people more aware of baby loss and to try to make it less of a taboo subject can only be a good thing.

 CarlyMarie's Blog

Also a day where you don't have to feel bad about raining on everyone else's parade.  

In fact the only bad thing about this day is that it is needed at all.

This poem was written by Angie at Still Life With Circles for this day last year.  It's a beautiful poem.

Though I lose my petals

I am still a flower.

We grow together,

in a garden bed
of ash and tears,
heartbreak and love.
Whispered support blows
towards our delicate beauty,
crying nourishes our shared roots,
and the warmth of our compassion
heals the winter of our grief.

Though we have lost a petal,
we are still flowers,
lush and full together
in a garden of hope.

For Carly
-Angie M. Yingst

Sending my love to all babyloss mummies.  

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